In August – $1 for Every Shack BLT We Sell Helps Feed Hungry San Diego Kids
August 1, 2012
Carnitas’ Snack Shack is proud to help out our community. This month, we’re participating in San Diego Foodbank’s Dollar A Dish Fundraiser which will raise much-needed money for their Food 4 Kids Backpack Program.
About the Program
Our good friend Caron Golden helps organize the event each year. “Even in San Diego, with all its abundance,” says Caron, “we’re surrounded by chronically hungry elementary school children. Yes, those enrolled in school free breakfast and lunch programs get meals during the week, but… once they hit the weekend, there may be nothing for them to eat until they get back to school Monday morning.”
Every Friday afternoon students on the program are called out of class, often to the school nurse’s office, and discretely given a bag of food which is tucked into their backpacks.
Each bag contains enough food to see the students through the weekend, and the discreet distributions remove the stigma that might be attached to the program. Read More…
So for the whole month of August, $1 from every Shack B.L.T. Sandwich you buy will go toward the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program. Come in today for San Diego’s best BLT sandwich, and help our community’s kids at the same time!